Ginger Essential Oil - Nusaroma
IDR 99900

Ginger Essential Oil 10ml

IDR 99.900 IDR 49.950 -50%
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Product Description

Main Constituents Zingeberene
Color Light Yellow to Yellow Redish
Ingredients 100 % Pure & Natural Ginger Oil
Botanical name Zingiber officinalle
Plant Part Ginger
Common name Root
Origin Indonesia
Extraction method Steam distillation
Blend with   Bergamot, Cardamom, Blackpepper, Sandalwood, Orange, Ylang-ylang
Note Middle-Base
Strenght of aroma Medium-Strong
Aromatic scent Warm, spicy and woody scent
Caution Non-toxic and non-irritant. It may cause sensitisation in some individuals. Avoid during pregnancy
Description Ginger oil is produced from the distillation of the Fresh Ginger rhizome. Ginger oil is warm and in China it is used as a medicine to reduce moisture both inside and outside the body. Often used to treat nausea due to travel, pregnancy, and chemotherapy. Ginger will stimulate the smooth circulation of blood in the area used. The antispasmodic nature brings relax and calm when the situation is contracted. When the contraction conditions start to field, the possibility of healing will arise. Very good for helping the digestive system. Ginger oil can be added a few drops in your food mixture during the winter, this will bring the warmth and spicy sensation needed in this season.
Ginger Essential Oil
IDR 99.900 IDR 49.950

Diannisa Wahyu Putri - March 9, 2022 3:53:pm
Aroma jahenya sangat alami dan cukup kuat, cocok jika di blend bersama dengan carrier oil dan eucalyptus dioles jadi hangat
Yoghi Martino Yulian - July 2, 2022 6:15:am
Baunya tidak terlalu sama dengan jahe lokal jadi ketika dicampur dengan makanan atau minuman tidak mengeluarkan aroma jahe yang biasa kita kenal.

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