Benefits of Lemon Essential Oils

Benefits of Lemon Essential Oils

Kegunaan Lemon Essential Oil

Lemon essential oil (Citrus limon) is extracted by cold pressing the lemon peel. Known for its cleansing and purification effects, Lemon essential oil has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiseptic properties, but it has many other uses beyond that.

Lemon essential oil should be applied topically with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil, sweet almond oil, or grapeseed oil. If you have sensitive skin, or have never used lemon essential oil before, it is advisable to do a skin patch test (typically on the inside of wrist) prior to any widespread use. It is also important to note that lemon essential oil is photosensitive, meaning that if used topically, one should stay out of direct sunlight for at least 12 hours. If any essential oil irritates your skin, increase the amount of carrier oil in ratio to essential oil, or discontinue topical use if your skin still becomes irritated.

The following is a list of uses for lemon essential oil. This list is not exhaustive or meant to replace advice from your personal doctor or health care provider.

  1. Use lemon essential oil in your laundry – Use lemon to freshen up the wash cycle, or add a drop to laundry that has been left in the washer too long to rid it of that dank smell.
  2. Clean greasy hands – Add a drop of lemon essential oil to your soap to clean grease and oil – even grease and oil from working on cars or bicycles.
  3. Use as a natural teeth whitener – Add a drop of lemon essential oil to baking soda to make a small paste, brush teeth for 2 minutes as recommended to help whiten teeth.
  4. All natural DIY all purpose cleaner – In a large spray bottle, add 20-30 drops of lemon essential oil to 1 cup of white vinegar and 4 cups of water for a quick and easy effective DIY cleaner to use on virtually any surface.
  5. Freshen drains, disposals, and dishwashers – Add 2-3 drops directly to the drains and run hot water for several seconds to freshen, running the disposal if you have one. Try adding a few drops in with the dishwashing to freshen the dishwasher. This also leaves the kitchen smelling very nice.
  6. Remove sticky goo – Place several drops of lemon essential oil directly on the goo or on a cloth and rub on residual sticky substances, such as bubble gum and stickers, to remove from hard surfaces.
  7. Spot cleaner – Add several drops of lemon essential oil to a cloth to remove grease stains or crayon from hard surfaces.
  8. Freshen air while vacuuming – Place a few drops of lemon essential oil on a cotton ball and add to the bag of your vacuum to freshen air.
  9. An instant pick-me-up – Inhale directly from the bottle, or place a drop of lemon essential oil mixed with a carrier oil at a 1:1 ratio on to wrists, ankles, on the back of the neck or across the chest to boost energy and alertness. Diffuse several drops for 15 minutes at a time to elevate mood and reduce stress. If you do not have a diffuser, you can add a few drops of lemon essential oil to a bowl of hot water and place you face directly over the bowl with a towel over your head and inhale deeply.
  10. Polish silver and wood surfaces – Soak a small clean cloth in lemon essential oil to polish silver, silver jewelry, and wood surfaces.
  11. Treat greasy/oily hair – Add one drop of lemon essential oil to your daily dose of shampoo. Be sure to rinse thoroughly.
  12. Hand sanitizer – In a 1 ounce spritz bottle, mix 15 drops of lemon essential oil with witch hazel or purified water to make a quick and easy hand sanitizer.
  13. Lemon salt scrub – Add 10-15 drops of lemon essential oil to 2 cups salt and 1 cup coconut oil to make a simple hand and foot scrub. Keep in a sealed container. Add lavender essential oil for added depth in scent. This also makes a great gift.
  14. Soften calluses – Rub lemon oil diluted with a carrier oil and apply to callus daily as needed.
  15. Clean cutting boards – Rid cutting boards of smell by adding a few drops of lemon essential oil to a wet cloth and wiping down the boards after use or as needed.

A small bottle of lemon essential oil will go a long way and last longer than you think. Lemon essential oil can be found for purchase online or at Nusaroma Online Store.

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