eucalyptus essential oil

Essential Oils

Essential Oils Uses & Tips

Sweet Orange oil

Sweet Orange oil

Sweet Orange oil (Citrus sinensis) Orange oil, most commonly referred to as Sweet Orange Essential... Read More

Sugar Craving

Sugar Craving

Sugar Craving Are you someone who is happy, and likes sweets? Be careful, you can be considered a... Read More

Nutmeg oil

Nutmeg oil

Nutmeg oil (Myristica Fragrans) Nutmeg (Nutmeg) originates from Maluku Island, known as the Spice... Read More

Cubeb oil

Cubeb oil

  Cubeb (Piper cubeba) Kemukus (Piper cubeba L.) is a plant belonging to the genus Piper,... Read More

Turmeric oil

Turmeric oil

Turmeric oil Turmeric (turmeric) is a plant native to Asia. Turmerics grow to about 3 feet tall,... Read More

French Lavender oil

French Lavender oil

French Lavender oil French Lavender comes from England, France, Tasmania, and Yugoslavia. French... Read More

Aniseed oil

Aniseed oil

Aniseed oil Aniseed (Star Anise / Star anise / Star anise) is an herb that has a scent similar to... Read More

Ginger oil

Ginger oil

Ginger oilGinger has a stimulating and warm aroma. Ginger can improve concentration, improve mood,... Read More

Lemon oil

Lemon oil

Lemon oil (Citrus limonum) Lemon has a yellow color, aroma that is refreshing, purifying, and can... Read More

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