Get ready for what is coming! Mother Nature has it all!

21 Nov 2019 - 16:52 by Joana Marques Wallace

    Get ready for what is coming! Mother Nature has it all!

    My article this week will be devoted to giving you the information you need to take care of your health and everyone in the family with only natural medicines, essential oils when symptoms of Cold and Flu appear.

    With the arrival of cold, rain, sudden changes in temperatures also comes, flu, colds, fevers, stuffy noses, some allergies and respiratory congestion that manifest at certain times of the year. The best way to fight these symptoms is to prepare and strengthen our body from the inside so that we can more easily recover and return to your balance faster.

    In today's context when we begin to realize that we have a cold, we immediately go to the nearest pharmacy, or even supermarket, to buy any medicine that has written on the label “ideal for cold, flu and fever”, like syrup for adults or children, effervescent tablets, pills, ect. We do not know exactly what any of the medicines are made of or even their preparation process and the origin. Numerous of these over-the-counter (OTC) options people use every day, such as acetaminophen, it has been linked to kidney disease and increased risk of heart attack and stroke. (1)

    Here is the big difference when we use natural medicines to treat our health. When we eat foods that will help us strengthen our bodies, strengthen our immune system, we have access to where they come from, how they are harvested, and what exactly they will do to our bodies with no side effects. The same is true when we use Nusaroma Essential Oils.

    “We guarantee all Nusaroma essential oil products are made from natural, natural, without the addition of chemicals, so it is safe for use by all groups, both children, pregnant women, and even nursing mothers. The use of Nusaroma essential oil products, either by distillation, smeared, or inhaled does not cause long-term side effects. We not only help cure various diseases, but also help provide comfort for the body, so that life is more enjoyable and reassuring.”

    Why use Alternative (Natural) Medicine?

    Alternative (Natural) medicine has been proven to have immense health benefits. However, it should be noted that we are all different and each body can react differently to the same nutrient, mineral, vitamin, essential oil. Each body has its own needs and it is crucial to adjust any natural treatment to you. We do not need all the same complements to be healthy and balanced. It is important to search, to question what best suits each one individually.

    use Alternative (Natural) Medicine

    Often when it comes to think of medicine and treatments we think “Conventional” medicine is the only way. This is traditional medicine that the majority of us are familiar with — local doctors, clinics, hospitals, pharmacies. It’s the kind of medicine the average physician practices.

    However, thankfully more and more people are becoming aware that there are alternatives and I believe that is where “Alternative” medicine name’s comes from. This “Natural” medicine involves philosophy and practice that is inclusive of a variety of world cultures.”

    The word “conventional” is used in healthcare today to refer to health practices that have been around for only 100 years or less, while ancient therapies such as essential oils are grouped into the “alternative” category.(2) Health remedies that come from the Earth are truly  “traditional”, they are not just plants or herbs. “Natural” medicine is as effective and reliable as other medicines; it cares for the body and the problem in cause; can be less expensive, in particular when we use food as medicine and essential oils as complement. 


    Take care of a Cold or Flu with “Natural Medicine”

    Take care of a Cold or Flu with “Natural Medicine”

    Is it Flu or a Cold?

    FLU It is a respiratory infection caused by one of three types of influenza virus. Its main symptom is high fever, usually above 38ºC, and persistent, lasting about three days on average.

    It is usually accompanied by muscle aches, sore throat and headache. Respiratory symptoms, such as a dry cough, usually appear over the days, and usually persist for three to four days after the fever subsides. To relive and heal faster from all this symptoms you can diffuse, inhale or apply on skin (always diluted, never directly pure on skin) the right essential oils such as Peppermint, Oregano, CloveLemonEucalyptusJuniper Berry.    

    is it flu or a cold?

    A COLD is an airway infection, caused by over 200 different types of viruses. Its most common symptoms are rhinitis; cough and sneezing that can appear 24 to 72 hours after infection and usually persist for up to two weeks. Other symptom like dry cough can also appear. The disease is only transmissible during the first 3 days of symptoms. Essential oils like BergamontEucalyptusCinnamon LeafTea treeLemon are proven to be efficient when fighting a cold. 

    When cold and flu season is arriving it is also very common to hear people talking about vaccines. Although the mystery behind what good they actually do The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends injectable influenza vaccines for everyone over 6 months and older. (3) Facts to take in considerations before accepting this way of treatment: the type of vaccine mostly likely does not match the virus circulating every year and in all different locations, as this kind of virus is constantly changing; and this vaccines is might contain dangerous chemical and preservatives, which can be the cause of allergic reactions and side effects.


    Where to start?

    There are different ways to heal and recover from flu or cold using natural remedies, aromatherapy, food that will help.

    different ways to heal and recover from flu or cold using natural remedies, aromatherapy, food that will help

    Anyone with a weak immune system or lack of nutrients may more likely to catch the flu or a coldStresslack of sleep and exposure to toxins can worsen flu symptoms.

    We have talk before that eating fresh and unprocessed foods, as well as having good vitamin D levels, exercising, sleeping well are factors that favour the proper functioning of the immune system.


    Turn Your Kitchen into your Own Natural Pharmacy!

    We can learn how to buy foods that are beneficial to our health. Having a kitchen full of fruits, vegetables, cereals, proteins, vitamins and more helps us make the best decision and use food as a medicine. Knowing how to complement a healthy diet, a balanced lifestyle with the use of essential oils will make a difference in the short and long term.

    1. Ginger is an amazing decongestant, a strong antioxidant, and has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral properties. A warm tea with natural sliced Ginger, a few drops of Lemon and raw honey will to help relieve the symptoms. It is also good to sooth throat infection and irritation;
    2. Chicken Soup is proven to help reduce inflammation, not just for all the ingredients in it like onions and garlic that can reduce the viscosity of mucus and help prevent or lessen congestion;(4)
    3. Echinacea it should be taken as soon the first signs of this condition starts to appear because it helps the body to fight infections. Has also shown to be very effective results with respiratory infections without causing the same secondary effects as other known medication will;
    4. Essential Oils like LemonBasilPeppermintEucalyptus, and Oregano can be extremely beneficial to help with congested state and respiratory infection for their anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, calming, decongesting properties. You can add 1 drop of each essential oil to your Nusaroma Wooden Tulip DiffuserClove and Frankincense essential oils are equally good options that can be used since both support the immune system and protect the body against infections, and help speed recovery from flu;
    5. Probiotics help restoring the good bacteria in your gut can that help boost your immune system;(4)
    6. Spend Time Outside. Due to the concentration of toxins and germs in indoor areas it is crucial to spend time outside as a way to fight virus that habit this kind of environments and also a chance to get the vitamin D your body is craving for.
    7. Drink as much water. Staying hydrate is the key to clean out the virus and bacteria from your system. Green and Black tea are strong immune system boosters and antioxidants.

    There are many different ways to benefit from the use of Essential Oils such as topically, to relieve congested nose; on baths; steam inhalation or direct inhalation; to disinfect water; and in aromatherapy diffusers. Want to know other Nusaroma essential oils, and how and where to apply them please click here.

    I hope you enjoyed this week’s article. I would love to answer all your questions and help you to continue this journey and make big changes in your life. Just post your comment bellow.

    Thank you!

    Joana Marques Wallace 



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