Holiday Tips & Essential oil for Holiday

19 Nov 2019 - 21:50 by Nusaroma

Busyness and daily routine for a full week, certainly boring and can burden the mind. Being a busy person, can be fun, and vice versa. For EO Lovers who really enjoy work, there are times when the busyness never stops, resulting in decreased levels of productivity, you know EO Lovers

Here are the reasons why holidays are very important for EO Lovers:

1. Reducing the accumulated stress
Everyday EO Lovers are often confronted with tasks that must be completed. Be it work or office or college assignments. Reporting from several sites, a vacation can increase the ability to deal with stress, up to an average of 29%
The research also explains that, a leisurely walk on the beach, is believed to help overcome bad moods

2. Productivity increases after the holidays
One of the main reasons, for office workers in desperate need of a vacation is, holidays make employees more productive. There is nothing wrong if EO Lovers takes weekend leave for a holiday and rests physically and mentally, so that EO Lovers can resume daily routines, with more prime conditions

3. Open insight with vacation
Socialization is important for humans. Holiday makes EO Lovers meet new friends from various directions. Sharing experiences, will also provide new knowledge, you know EO Lovers. There are so many places in this world that are more beautiful, exciting, endless to explore. Science and knowledge, not only come from books or bosses in the office you know. Interacting with outsiders, or locals, where EO Lovers visit, makes EO Lovers even more 'richer'.

4. Become a more confident person
Holidays are adventures to new places. By vacationing and traveling to dream places, it is proof that EO Lovers can achieve what EO Lovers want. For a long time EO lovers worked and saved for the holidays, making the pleasure of the holidays even more exciting. What EO Lovers see, hear, and feel along the way, is a luxury that EO Lovers cannot get in other ways. All that EO lovers experience during the holidays is also a way, to make physical and mental EO Lovers, ready to face the various challenges that exist, both in office and college assignments

5. The body will be healthier by taking a vacation
If EO Lovers' daily life is only in the office, school or home, be careful, because the routine throughout the week, can have an impact on the deteriorating body condition. Especially for EO Lovers who work in offices and rarely do heavy activities.
Taking a vacation, and doing activities outside the home, will give your body wide space and free time to take a break from routine.

6. Strengthen relationships
Conducting holiday activities together, is one way to strengthen relationships with the people closest to you know EO Lovers. Not only with a partner, EO Lovers can also try a vacation with parents or relatives. Conducting joint activities in places that EO Lovers have never visited before, and exploring unique and interesting places, will enable EO Lovers to share moments together. The more fun the holidays, the happier it is when EO Lovers are at home

Some things that need to be prepared during the holidays 

1. Prepare for a vacation far in advance
Make preparations far in advance. Because if EO Lovers suddenly changes its destination, then EO Lovers still has plenty of time to do it

2. Tourist destination
Set tourist destination. EO Lovers can discuss with family if you want to do recreation with family. Vacation does not mean always outside the city or a place far from home. Vacation on the edge of the city if there are comfortable tourist attractions, and beautiful scenery can also be an alternative choice. For example, vacationing at the beach or in a national park. Another option is to take a vacation in the city, such as visiting historic sites and playgrounds

3. Hotel booking
Make sure EO Lovers has booked accommodation such as hotels or villas before the holidays. If EO Lovers is on vacation without using a private vehicle, also order a rental vehicle at a vacation spot, if EO Lovers wants to visit several tourist sites. Usually hotels and rental vehicles have been booked far in advance by many tourists

4. Search for travel guide information
Start looking for travel guides in the tourist locations that EO Lovers is headed for. Information on tourist attractions can EO Lovers get on the website, magazines, the results of chatting with friends, and other media. Dig for information such as local habits, unique things there, as well as the nearest tourist location in the same area. Of course this makes the EO Lovers vacation more meaningful

5. List of luggage
Begin to record any luggage that will be taken. The goal is that nothing is forgotten. Imagine if at a holiday spot the EO Lovers' camera was left behind, of course the holiday could be quickly forgotten. Even objects like paper, markers or pencils, even if they look insignificant, can also be carried. EO Lovers can draw a tourist map, plan a destination, and record important things during the trip

6. Bring useful items
Do not bring too much luggage so that EO Lovers isn't free. Especially if EO Lovers uses public transportation such as airplanes, ships or trains. Do not let these items disrupt the mobility of EO Lovers. Therefore, make the best estimate for luggage EO Lovers in accordance with existing conditions

7. The completeness of document
Take care of all necessary travel documents and health documents. For example, if EO Lovers is planning a holiday abroad, EO Lovers can take care of some of the documents needed for EO Lovers and their families

Holidays are indeed fun. Careful preparation will also make EO Lovers enjoy the days of EO Lovers during the holidays. There are many ways that EO Lovers can do to truly enjoy the EO Lovers vacation. Holidays can be the most exciting times, even the best weeks of the year. No wonder, if the children look forward to the holidays hopefully with family. Careful preparation can overcome the possibility of danger and problems while on holiday

Happy Holiday!


Essential oil for Holiday

If many holidays are dominated by people, who travel to a place, there are also people who want to vacation, to gather with family at home, and feel the freshness of the room, where they gather, with essential oils. Use your favorite essential oil, in the diffuser to make calm, relax, and sterilize the air, to fight viruses and bacteria

In general, the recommended essential oils for holidays are essential oils from spices, such as Clove Bud, Cinnamon, Ginger, and Nutmeg, because they have a classic aroma. A touch of Sweet Orange will enrich the aroma. Popular essential oils during the holidays are Peppermint & Aniseed, which has a scent like candy, also a warm, fresh rome like Vanilla and Lemon

1. Clove Bud
Clove Bud oil has a major component, eugenol, which makes Clove Bud's scent stronger. Clove Bud oil can improve blood circulation, relieve muscle pain, overcome respiratory problems, digestion, and boost the immune system, during holidays

2. Cinnamon Bark
Cinnamon has 100 species, which are planted all over the world, you know EO Lovers. Cinnamon Bark oil is processed by the steam distillation method, from Cinnamon tree bark. Cinnamon Bark oil has a warm, spicy, sweet and woody aroma. Cinnamon Bark oil can reduce blood sugar levels, fight infection, boost the immune system, relieve joint pain and muscle aches when EO Lovers are on vacation

3. Ginger
Ginger has a stimulating and warm aroma. Ginger can improve concentration, improve mood, overcome anxiety, fatigue, headaches, indigestion, breathing, and muscle aches. With these benefits, making Ginger oil, suitable to accompany all EO Lovers holidays

4. Nutmeg
Nutmeg (Nutmeg) which is processed by the steam distillation method, from nutmeg seeds. Nutmeg has a warm, spicy, and woody aroma. Nutmeg oil can help relieve digestive disorders, headaches, muscle aches, stress, menstrual cramps, and improve the quality of sleep EO Lovers while on vacation

5. Sweet Orange
Orange oil or the most commonly referred to as Sweet Orange oil, comes from citrus fruits, from the type of citrus plant. Sweet Orange oil has a calming effect, can boost the immune system, the body, relieve stress, cope with nausea while traveling, and can menstrual air, for EO Lovers who spend vacation time, with family at home

6. Peppermint
Peppermint oil is processed by the steam distillation method of Peppermint leaves. Peppermint has a fresh, cold and grassy aroma. Peppermint has anti-microbial properties, can refresh breath, overcome digestive problems, overcome respiratory problems, fatigue, increase energy, nausea, flu & cough, overcome seasonal allergic symptoms, and sinus

7. Aniseed
Aniseed has a fresh, spicy and sweet aroma. Anissed oil (flower mace) has anti-viral and anti-fungal properties, can relieve muscle pain, overcome digestive problems, respiratory problems, and warm

8. Vanilla
Vanilla has antioxidant, aphrodisiac, antidepressant, and soothing properties. Vanilla works to relieve anxiety, fatigue, high blood pressure, improve skin health, hair, relieve muscle aches, cramps, and balance hormones naturally

9. Lemon
Lemon oil has a refreshing, purifying aroma. Lemon can increase energy. relieve fatigue, increase concentration, make focus, relieve constipation, reduce blood pressure, headaches, relieve muscle aches, colds and coughs, overcome respiratory problems, overcome anxiety, and have properties as natural disinfectants. Lemon oil is an essential essential oil, and is suitable to accompany all EO Lovers holidays

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