Spearmint Essential Oil - Nusaroma
IDR 111900

Spearmint Essential Oil 10ml

IDR 111.900 IDR 61.545 -45%
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Product Description

Main Constituents (-)-Carvone, (+)-Limonene, (Z)-Dihydrocarvone, 3-Octanol, Methone, 1,8-Cineole
Color Clear
Ingredients 100% pure & natural Spearmint oil
Botanical name Mentha spicata
Plant Part Leaves and Flower / Buds
Common name Spearmint
Origin USA
Extraction method Steam distilled
Blend with   Peppermint, and other mints, Ylang Ylang, and other florals
Note Top
Strenght of aroma Medium
Aromatic scent Minty, slightly fruity aroma that is less bright than peppermint
Caution Use extreme caution when using oils with children. Avoid during pregnancy
Description Spearmint is believed to be the oldest plant of the Mint family and has been used traditionally for its digestive benefits. Spearmint has earned the nickname "The Gentler Mint Oil," because his scent is softer and the effect is lighter than Peppermint Essential Oil, so it is ideal for children, the elderly, and those with sensitive skin. Found in India, Middle East, China, Europe. Spearmint is commonly known as a breath absorber used in oral hygiene products - including sweets. Spearmint is used to benefit digestion, prevent or relieve gas, bloating, nausea, and digestive disorders. Spearmint began to be used in Ayurvedic medicine for the same purpose but also for skin problems and headaches. Spearmint is widely used as an aphrodisiac and is also used to mix bath water.


Spearmint Essential Oil
IDR 111.900 IDR 61.545

Willy Wanta - June 11, 2021 12:57:pm
Wanginya enak, segar, strong tapi ga tajam. Aroma seperti odol atau permen karet mint.
Diannisa Wahyu Putri - March 9, 2022 3:54:pm
Spearmint punya aroma yang lebih strong dibanding peppermint, tapi suka juga dengan varian ini, original pastinya.

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